MASC is available for use under License Agreement from JLA Consulting Psychologists.  Staff training is conducted on site under the licensing agreement and includes training manuals, handouts and posters.  Ongoing support and supervision is included in the license agreement.

Currently MASC is delivered within the AOD sector however it was initially created with the aim of ‘prevention’. As MASC is based on our human processes it is suitable for all individuals.

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“These observations give us a 
different kind of understanding of therapy. Therapy is just another way of creating synaptic potentiation in brain pathways that control the amygdala. The amygdala’s emotional memories, as we’ve seen are indelibly burned into its circuits. The best we can hope to do is to regulate their expression. And the way to do this is by getting the cortex to control the amygdala.” Joseph LeDoux, 1998.